Thursday, March 25, 2010


I have been gone for a long time. I'm trying to write a thesis and graduate, and as much as I want a blog to be more important than that, it isn't. Plus, the Olympics were on and so was March Madness, and let's face it, this blog isn't as exciting as hours of televised sports.

But I've got a few minutes now (and also I'm procrastinating) so I'm posting about another hobby of mine--making cookies. Normally, I am a die-hard "make it from scratch" enthusiast. Pre-made cookie dough is for wusses or people who just want a quick emotional fix. However, I saw these cookies in the grocery store yesterday and I just couldn't resist...

Bunny faces!!!

Honestly, if you can resist that, props. They're just sugar cookies but the bunny faces just make them that much better.